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“Deana’s Law” Sparks Roundtable Discussion at Neumann University

Kathy Piperno

Deana Eckman

The State Senate Majority Policy Committee held a public roundtable discussion on DUI

Repeat Offenders on May 13, 2019, at the request of Senator Tom Killion.

The panel included Deana Eckman’s parents (Roseann and Richard DeRosa) Deana’s husband, (Chris Eckman), Debbie D’Addona (Mothers Against Drunk Driving); and Chris Demko (Pennsylvania Parents Against Impaired Driving.), who are five (5) surviving family members that will no longer tolerate ineffective DUI laws in Pennsylvania.

On February 16, 2019, Deana and her husband, Chris, were driving home from a child’s birthday party, when a drunk driver, with 5 prior DUI cases, struck their vehicle and mortally injured his wife. Chris sustained a broken pelvis, and cried out for help for his wife. Deana’s family, friends and acquaintances are still traumatized by this tragedy.

Deana’s fearless, yet devastated parents, confronted members of the Pennsylvania Legislature and the District Attorney of Delaware County. They are demanding a change in the DUI laws.

Deana and Chris Eckman's car after they were hit by a drunk driver on February 16, 2019.

Debbie D’Addona suggested implementing SCRAM bracelets, which provide continuous alcohol monitoring, that “instantly notify law enforcement when those on parole and probation imbibe”. Chris Demko said that "at least two counties in the State employ SCRAM bracelets".

Roseann and Rich DeRosa advocate for "Deana's Law" at the public roundtable discussion on DUI Repeat Offenders.

Roseann and Rich, who are friends of my family, explained that the court system and the Parole Board failed Deana. They suffer the loss and experience the trauma every day. They vowed to make sure that none of us forget Deana, and we won’t if "Deana’s Law” is enacted.

These surviving family members sent a strong face-to-face message to the legislators, who are also very eager to make change but the process takes time.

There is no time to lose – it’s time for a change.

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